On this page:
Why this page?
It’s nice to read about humor, it’s inspiring to learn about the ways that you can apply humor interventions, but at the end of the day it’s all about incorporating more humor in your life. An easy and fun way to start with is to surround yourself with more humor. On this page I’ll publish material, ideas and suggestions to help you on your way. Have fun!

A boy came home with a report card that included 4 D's and 3 F's. He said: "What do you think my problem is dad, heredity or environment?"

The Provocative Therapy Podcast
The podcast about the provocative therapy was meant to be an easy way to get acquainted with the basic assumptions and some of the techniques of this recalcitrant way of helping our clients. Because of the experience of making many more podcast in Spanish and Dutch I learned that it is even more fun to make and to listen to the podcast when I invite guests with their own specialities to talk about divers topics on psychotherapy.
So that is what you can expect as well form this series on the provocative therapy. After the first seven episodes I will be talking to a lot of guests talking about a lot of different topics. It might surprise you, but humor and the application of humor in psychotherapy will get a lot of focus.
To the left you’ll find the podcast on Soundcloud. If you rather listen to it on Spotify or Apple Podcast, please click the button below to go to the podcast page with more options.
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Books to read
Books on humor, provocation, play, paradox, confusion in and out of psychotherapy.

A lot has been written about humor. By scientists, scholars, philosophers, comedians, journalist, etcetera. Over the time to come I like to present a couple of books that have inspired me.
More to come….

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Provocative Therapy
The provocative style uses a lot of humor, 'playing around' with the non-constructive coping mechanisms of the clients. Therefore books about the provocative therapy usually contain a lot of examples showing you how to use humor and play in a psychotherapeutic setting.
If you are interested in the provocative therapy then this book by Frank Farrelly and Jeff Brandsma is highly recommended. It tells about the way Farrelly developed his new therapy and describes a lot of cases explaining why his different approach to therapy works.
Order your copy on:
In this book Federico Sarink introduces the reader in the 7 provocative assumptions, each elaborated in one chapter and illustrated with detailed case examples and the provocative techniques used. It’s also available in Spanish and Dutch.
Order your copy on:
1. The website of my publisher.
2. Amazon.
3. Dutch copy.
4. Spanish copy.
Jaap Hollander and Jeffrey Wijnberg published several books about the provocative style in Dutch. Hollander also published a book in English based on a workshop given to his students. A practical guide from the hand of one of the Dutch pioneers in the provocative work.
Order your copy on:
More fun material!
There are so many creative people with so many funny ideas. So what not sit back, relax and enjoy what they have us to offer. You will not only find cartoons, but also other humor material.
Let real science inspire you! But in this case it’s science about unusual topics. Funny, strange, “Do I really have to take this serious?”. Well, why not!
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